Saturday 7 September 2013


Thursday, 12th September, 2013

Memorise: Call unto me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things which thou knoweth not.

READ: Jeremiah 33vs1-3

One of the greatest challenges of man toward calling on God (prayer) is praying in a usual way/channel. It has been discovered that some people would pray and they would neither receive answer nor hear from God as though they have right motive, still they neither receive answers nor revelation as regard their prayers. This spiritual or psychological ailment had taken many into the snare of the devil due to impatience and ignorance of right methods of prayer.

In the earthly days of Jesus Christ, some people who recognise Him as the son of God would go to Him and He would meet their needs.
There was a man in Luke 19vs1-27 called Zacchaeus, a tax collector. A tax collector is known to be very rich those years. Luke 19vs2 tells us that he was a chief among publicans and very rich. However, as rich and wealthy as Zacchaeus was, when he saw the King of kings (JESUS CHRIST) passing he had to turn foolish by climbing a tree in order to see Jesus Christ. Don't forget that as a tax master, he could control the crowd around him so as to see Jesus Christ, but he forgot his personality in order to gain what he wanted. Do you want to turn stupid for God that you may obtain your request or you want to continue the same way you have been doing things with no result?
In this manner on the other hand, many people talk to God showing their personality before God. Some rich/wealthy men would be guiding their expensive attire and shoes lest it gets stained while praying, forgeting that God can empty their riches/wealth in a minute.
Always forget your personality when praying. Appear to God as a weak vessel so that He can release His strength to you. Appear also to Him as a fool so that you  can possess that divine wisdom.

Many people are ignorant of the fact that worship is another way through we can enjoy the undeserved grace. Worship is the best way to provoke God's attention. I mean true worship! True worship emanates from a sincere admiration of the greatness of God. God honours a devoted worship more than prayers.
In worship, you don't need to write out prayer points. Just spend quality time in true worship and see what will happen shortly after. TRUE worship is a SINLESS and DEVOTED worship.
I pray for you in the name that is above every other name, every power holding you down and every veil covering your spiritual sight so as not to see and take the right step shall be destroyed in the authoritative name of JESUS CHRIST.

ACTION POINT: Spend at least 45 minutes in TRUE worship and check in three days what God will do in your life.

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