Friday 6 September 2013

Monday, 9th September, 2013 TYPES OF DARKNESS – ANGER

Monday, 9th September, 2013


READ: Exodus 32:19-24 One of the most destructive measures of a man is ANGER. Moses lost his long-: promise land not because he was too old but of a little anger. This also led to the argument between Satan and God over his corpse. Most times, fear overwhelms me when I look at Moses latter end and compare to most Christians nowadays. A man who feared and obeyed God to the letter exhibited a little anger and nearly ended up in hell, let alone us.

A lot of people are under the greatest mystery ever of their lives just because of a little anger. The fact remains, that one can never progress in the command of anger. It makes one rise and fall. When you fall, you may not have the opportunity to rise again. Anger destroys destiny, irrespective of your service in the vineyard of God. Anger breeds a lot of crisis when not controlled. Anger is contagious! I have once been a victim of anger in time past. For instance, someone cheated on you in one way or the other and you narrated the scenario to a close friend of yours. After listening to the story, your friends picked up anger on that person as well. Anger keeps its victims in total darkness.

Are you a victim of anger? It is your fault, try and check your family, there is no way you will not see at least one person with angry trait, which simply tell you that it is hereditary. ANGER IS DEMONIC! Don’t forget devil always lives in darkness. Therefore any of his victims automatically lives in darkness. The reason you can find someone with anger in your family is because it has become a gods in your family. You can be like Jabez who refused to let his background ridicule him further. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! GET OUT OF ANGER! Besides, it could be the wiles of the devil for you not to engage in the promises of God for your lives; this is why you must alert in the Spirit lest your destiny be denied of you. I pray in the name that is above every other name, every altar of anger in your family and vicinity is hereby destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Anger keeps you away from benefactors. It keeps you away from your husband0-to-be. It demotes you. It brings shame. It puts you in a desert.

Who are friends of anger? They are pride, lies, cheating, disappointment, envy, etc if you, in one way or the other, possess any of the friends of anger mentioned above, sorry, your life is in total darkness. Only JESUS CHRIST, the only begotten son of God can help your helpless situation. Accept JESUS CHRIST NOW! A minute after may be too late.

PRAYER: Father, I know I am a sinner, please have mercy on me and give me the grace to sin no more. Every form of anger in my life let it disappear now in the unfailing name of JESUS CHRIST, AMEN

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