Monday 16 September 2013

Wednesday, 18th September, 2013 CONCEPT OF DISTRACTION

Wednesday, 18th September, 2013


MEMORISE: And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:62)

READ: Luke 9:57-62

Distraction implies losing full focus on what you want to do or what you are doing and allow divided attention. One thing every human being cannot avoid is distractions. Distractions will surely emerge, whether in your school, office, home, on the street or in the church; distractions will surely knock at the door of your heart. In fact, you might be alone in a room with your phone, distractions will also knock at the door of your heart. Distraction is never a SIN, but yielding to it makes it a SIN.
You will notice in the Bible text that Jesus did not allow those who wanted to follow Him to go back to their homes, WHY? Because, they might be distracted by their family members.
You can't afford your wife, husband, children or extended family members to get you distracted. Therefore, you need to take your stand. Let them know you for who you are in Christ Jesus.

Romans 12:2 says "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"

You don't get distracted until you lose your full focus. In order words, distractions don't come at a go, it comes gradually. Distractions work with your mind and heart. It is very easy for distractions to speak to your mind, so getting through into your mind gives effrontery to knock the door of your heart. It does not have power to open your heart, you are the only person that has the key.
Know this, that anybody who is already conformed to this world has already given the key of his/her heart to devil (author of distractions), thereby falling into divers of sin.


The reason most Christians get distracted is because of the absence of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit has a choice. If He sees you living in sin or self-righteousness and you call Him, He will not answer. The Holy Spirit is Holy, therefore He seeks a holy person to dwell in. In 1 Samuel 4:2-11, the wayward children of Eli, the prophet taught the Ark of God would save them, rather caused the enemy to slay them.

Another reason most christians are falling into distractions is a BLUNT PRAYER life. Don't think being born-again makes your life battle-free. Immediately you give your life to Christ, you create a war between yourself and the devil because you have said "Bye-bye" to his kingdom; he will make sure you are back to his kingdom. Therefore you need a very strong prayer life. Praying without the accurate understanding of the word of God is like fetching water inside a basket; there will be no result.

Another reason most Christians fall into distractions is because they don't MEDITATE on the word of God (Bible). I always say that revelations are mostly revealed in the place of meditating on the word of God. When you meditate on the word of God, you digest it, when you digest it, it gives you power to face any form of distraction.

Lastly, another reason is CAUTION. Be very cautious of where you go, whom you associate with, the song you listen to and the video you watch (what you see). Many Christians have sold out their destiny to the devil just because of listening, singing and having a place for world songs in their heart.





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