Saturday 7 September 2013

Friday, 13th September, 2013 BEWARE

Friday, 13th September, 2013


MEMORISE: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14).

READ: Romans 12:1-2

The word "UNBELIEVERS" is a plural noun and it is personified.
Unbelievers are generally known as those who are not living in Christ. God loves sinners but hate sins. Those things that do not agree with God's WILL are known as unbelievers. Man was created pure, but unbelieving spirit entered into man and made man UNBELIEVERS. What do we do?
Since man is prone to unbelieving spirit (devil), God has to send His
spirit into Virgin Mary and she became pregnant even as a virgin and the name of the child was called Jesus Christ. Don't forget that this is GOD on earth! Jesus Christ came to the world to reconcile man back to God. At the ascension of Jesus Christ, He said He would send a COMFORTER (HOLY SPIRIT - Opposition to the UNBELIEVING spirit) that will
replace the unbelieving spirit. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that
believe on his name:" (John 1:12). We must beware of unbelieving spirit. In the same vein, we must accommodate (show love) to those who possess unbelieving spirit commonly called unbelievers.
Christ died not for the holy ones but for the unbelievers.Unbelieving spirit is an unbeliever. To only those who receive and work in His ways are given power to become heirs of God. In other word, you. Can command headache to leave and it will hastenly obey; you can command sickness or disease to leave and it will not wait a second; you can call out a declared and undeclared dead man/woman from the grave to life and instantly the heavens will back you up because since the grave could not hold Jesus Christ captive, it will surely be impossible to hold you or anyone surrounding you captive due to the power of Christ you possess. I pray for someone here, as you live by Christ's word, Heaven will honour every part of your body and every word you say in Jesus name. Romans 12vs2 tells us to renew our mind that we may be transformed.
Beware of what goes into your mind lest it be polluted. Beware of
unfriendly friends lest you be deformed instead. Beware of predators like lies, lust, etc

KEY POINT/PRAYER: It is very expedient as a child of God to operate in the power that Christ did operated. Take your stand! It's in you!
Father, please have mercy on me, purge and cleanse me with your blood, the blood of Jesus Christ snd release the power to make exploit for you on me now in Jesus name

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