Monday 16 September 2013

Wednesday, 18th September, 2013 CONCEPT OF DISTRACTION

Wednesday, 18th September, 2013


MEMORISE: And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:62)

READ: Luke 9:57-62

Distraction implies losing full focus on what you want to do or what you are doing and allow divided attention. One thing every human being cannot avoid is distractions. Distractions will surely emerge, whether in your school, office, home, on the street or in the church; distractions will surely knock at the door of your heart. In fact, you might be alone in a room with your phone, distractions will also knock at the door of your heart. Distraction is never a SIN, but yielding to it makes it a SIN.
You will notice in the Bible text that Jesus did not allow those who wanted to follow Him to go back to their homes, WHY? Because, they might be distracted by their family members.
You can't afford your wife, husband, children or extended family members to get you distracted. Therefore, you need to take your stand. Let them know you for who you are in Christ Jesus.

Romans 12:2 says "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"

You don't get distracted until you lose your full focus. In order words, distractions don't come at a go, it comes gradually. Distractions work with your mind and heart. It is very easy for distractions to speak to your mind, so getting through into your mind gives effrontery to knock the door of your heart. It does not have power to open your heart, you are the only person that has the key.
Know this, that anybody who is already conformed to this world has already given the key of his/her heart to devil (author of distractions), thereby falling into divers of sin.


The reason most Christians get distracted is because of the absence of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit has a choice. If He sees you living in sin or self-righteousness and you call Him, He will not answer. The Holy Spirit is Holy, therefore He seeks a holy person to dwell in. In 1 Samuel 4:2-11, the wayward children of Eli, the prophet taught the Ark of God would save them, rather caused the enemy to slay them.

Another reason most christians are falling into distractions is a BLUNT PRAYER life. Don't think being born-again makes your life battle-free. Immediately you give your life to Christ, you create a war between yourself and the devil because you have said "Bye-bye" to his kingdom; he will make sure you are back to his kingdom. Therefore you need a very strong prayer life. Praying without the accurate understanding of the word of God is like fetching water inside a basket; there will be no result.

Another reason most Christians fall into distractions is because they don't MEDITATE on the word of God (Bible). I always say that revelations are mostly revealed in the place of meditating on the word of God. When you meditate on the word of God, you digest it, when you digest it, it gives you power to face any form of distraction.

Lastly, another reason is CAUTION. Be very cautious of where you go, whom you associate with, the song you listen to and the video you watch (what you see). Many Christians have sold out their destiny to the devil just because of listening, singing and having a place for world songs in their heart.





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Tuesday, 17th September. 2013 WAIT PATIENTLY

Tuesday, 17th September. 2013


MEMORISE: "I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry." (Psalm 40:1).

READ: 2 Chronicles 20:1-25

There are endless lessons to learn from the life of David. He stood out for one unique quality. In spite of his status, he enjoys praising God even in distress. David understood the CONCEPT OF WAITING. To wait does not mean to relax. A young man who is searching for a future partner is expected to wait patiently, however does not mean he should sit back but rather be sensitive to the voice of God. WAITING means don't fight, don't ask me anything, don't raise any petition, rather acknowledge me, praise me, worship me, thank me for what I have done, what I am doing and what I will do.

David said he waited patiently, meaning that he continued in praising, thanking, worshipping and acknowledging God until He inclined unto him. "......and heard my cry". CRYING does not only denotes bitterness of heart, but signifies the intensity of praises, worship , acknowledgement and thanksgiving offered unto God. "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." (Exodus 14:14). When God asks you to HOLD YOUR PEACE, He is simply telling you to WAIT. In the same vein, the one who is telling you to WAIT has something in mind and that aim is to fight for you. So, when you hear God speak to you in such manner, all you have to do is just to praise him continuously.

In 2 Chronicles 20:1-25, you will see how a little congregation defeated about three nations. HOW? "And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever." (2 Chronicles 20:21). When you pray, God will send angels to deliver blessings to you but when you praise and worship God intensely, in spirit and truth, God arises from His throne and take charge Himself. Take Paul and Silas for an example.

This month, please make sure you praise, worship and thank God all through. I convincingly believe that something beyond human reasoning will locate me and you in Jesus name

ACTION POINT: Separate at least 30mins or 1hr to render quality praises, worship and thanksgiving to GOD ALMIGHTY in this month

Sunday 8 September 2013

Monday, 16th September, 2013 REMEMBER NOW AND ALWAYS

Monday, 16th September, 2013


Memorize: Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; (Ecclesiastes  12:1)

READ: Ecclesiastes 12:1-14

The foundation of marriage is based on love. This simply means that if you do not love your partner and vice-versa, your marriage cannot work. Couples-to-be are always eager to witness the day of thier wedding ceremony. In the course of their preparation, the Wife-to-be never forgets the husband-to-be and vice-versa. They cannot do without talking about the wedding ceremony in a day. Also, in the same vein, if the president of your country demands your presence at a dinner organized at the Aso-rock (NIGERIA) or White house (United State of America) and he Promises to sponsor your trip, you can never in a moment forget such, you will be careful of whatever/whoever that will hinder you from attending the dinner.
Beloved, here is a good news, though not strange but it is ever NEW. We are called to live forever in joy, peace, divine health,etc with the King of kings and the Lord of lords (Jesus Christ) in Heavens. There are requirements for those who wish to live forever with the creator of Heavens and Earth. Galatians 5:19-21 enlists the attitudes of those who will never be allowed in Heavens while the same Galatians 5:22-23 also enlists the attitudes of those who will be welcome in Heavens. So, it should be paramount in our mind/heart to live up to the requirements laid down by the Most High God.
Therefore, according to Ecclesiastes 12:1, we are expected to always remember our creator right from our youths. Also, according to Ecclesiastes 12:13, we are expected to FEAR GOD and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. Stop unnecessary/Godly discussion and pick up a discussion that will affect your life positively and keep Heavens requirements in your mind.


KEY POINT: It will be quite disastrous to those who will be left behind. This is the reason we must at all times remember and live according to the commandment of God.



MEMORISE: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2).

READ: Romans 12:1-2

It is very important that you know who is inside of you because for you to have a glimpse of any success or achievement
in life, you need to know who is inside if you. Who is in you determines. Who you are and what you do. What you do determines your success/achievement.
Your achievement determines your
future and your future determines your footprint. Your footprint determines the success of the next generation coming after you.
The "YOU" in you is invisible, however manifests in you. In order word, it is a SPIRIT. You are a correct figure of what
is in you. No one lives outside the real "YOU". The "YOU" is your MINDSET.

have as regard your career, relationship, marriage, jobs, church, riches, wealth, etc
People have different concluded
perception on different issues of life which in return is dictating and affecting their life. Some believe that only ladies who can use their body to get what they
want or need are employed in banks, oil company, etc some ladies would say "All men are the same", so they treat every
man that comes their way equally.
Roman 12vs2 tells us to RENEW our

There are three "YOU" - the body, spirit and soul. BODY (flesh) and SPIRIT controls the mindset of a man. To whom the SOUL is subjected to determines the mindset a man. The BODY and SPIRIT are always antagonizing each other. However, Romans 8vs16 says that the Spirit itself bears witness with our Spirit that we are children of God.


The body (flesh) always
negates the spirit. The soul doesn't
have any option; it subjects to
whichever is available.
"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the
flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. " (John 6:63).
If you listen to the flesh, it will only give you temporal reward which may lead to death and gnashing of teeth in hell but obeying the Holy Spirit gives you life and eternal reward. Galatians 5vs17-21 list out the works of the flesh and Galatians 5vs22-23 enlists the fruit of the Spirit. Devils speaks the flesh but God controls and speaks to the Spirit.




READ: Acts 16:22-36

Everybody prays. Either short or long prayer. Either sitting down, standing or while walking. The fact remains that everybody prays. The very key thing to quick answered prayer is understanding the concept of prayer. As we know, that prayer is a communication between God and man.
It is a blank cheque when God says "Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty thing which thou knowest not" (Jeremiah 33vs3).
Every believer counts on this promise without understanding how it works. The one who said when you call on Him, He would answer and show you great
and mighty things you don't know also said in Proverb 15:8 that "The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord". Both the wicked and the righteous are God's creatures but their rights before God is absolutely different
from each other. God respects the prayer of His children.
If you have some requests unanswered, it might be your name has been cancelled from HIS book, so look at your life and make amends.


1. HOLINESS: They live a blameless life.
Though they are sinners but quickly
repented from their sins. This also
entails running away from every lust of
the flesh (Galatians 5:17-21) and
embracing the fruits of the spirit as we
have in Galatians 5:22-23
WHOLEHEARTEDLY: Make sure that
when you give, you give willingly and
cheerfully. Give to men and women of
God. Give to the less privilege. It is not
necessary someone asks before you
give. Give for your own benefit. Give
and not expect anything in return. Give
because it is a commandment from
God. Give because it is a way to Open
3. LOVE: Love your enemies. Show love
to everyone around you. LOVE is very
deep. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you
the concept of LOVE.
4. FAITH: But without faith it is
impossible to please him: for he that
cometh to God must believe that he is,
and that he is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)
No matter how terrible a situation may
be, never doubt the potency on God.
Act in FAITH, not in FEAR!
Jesus is the author of FAITH
Satan is the author of FEAR
Another secret of answered prayers is
giving true praises and thanksgiving to
God. If you praise God, He arises from
His throne. True praises move God's
throne, so when He arises, every
problem is solved, closed doors are
opened, barreness turns to fruitfulness,
dry lands are filled with waters. Lack
turns to abundance, all because HE
arises from His throne. When lifts His
legs, as we know that the earth is His
footstool, all your adversaries are in
soup. As you praise God, God will arise
for you and you will hold your peace

Always praise God with the
understanding of every lyrics and praise
Him wholeheartedly

Saturday 7 September 2013

Friday, 13th September, 2013 BEWARE

Friday, 13th September, 2013


MEMORISE: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14).

READ: Romans 12:1-2

The word "UNBELIEVERS" is a plural noun and it is personified.
Unbelievers are generally known as those who are not living in Christ. God loves sinners but hate sins. Those things that do not agree with God's WILL are known as unbelievers. Man was created pure, but unbelieving spirit entered into man and made man UNBELIEVERS. What do we do?
Since man is prone to unbelieving spirit (devil), God has to send His
spirit into Virgin Mary and she became pregnant even as a virgin and the name of the child was called Jesus Christ. Don't forget that this is GOD on earth! Jesus Christ came to the world to reconcile man back to God. At the ascension of Jesus Christ, He said He would send a COMFORTER (HOLY SPIRIT - Opposition to the UNBELIEVING spirit) that will
replace the unbelieving spirit. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that
believe on his name:" (John 1:12). We must beware of unbelieving spirit. In the same vein, we must accommodate (show love) to those who possess unbelieving spirit commonly called unbelievers.
Christ died not for the holy ones but for the unbelievers.Unbelieving spirit is an unbeliever. To only those who receive and work in His ways are given power to become heirs of God. In other word, you. Can command headache to leave and it will hastenly obey; you can command sickness or disease to leave and it will not wait a second; you can call out a declared and undeclared dead man/woman from the grave to life and instantly the heavens will back you up because since the grave could not hold Jesus Christ captive, it will surely be impossible to hold you or anyone surrounding you captive due to the power of Christ you possess. I pray for someone here, as you live by Christ's word, Heaven will honour every part of your body and every word you say in Jesus name. Romans 12vs2 tells us to renew our mind that we may be transformed.
Beware of what goes into your mind lest it be polluted. Beware of
unfriendly friends lest you be deformed instead. Beware of predators like lies, lust, etc

KEY POINT/PRAYER: It is very expedient as a child of God to operate in the power that Christ did operated. Take your stand! It's in you!
Father, please have mercy on me, purge and cleanse me with your blood, the blood of Jesus Christ snd release the power to make exploit for you on me now in Jesus name


Thursday, 12th September, 2013

Memorise: Call unto me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things which thou knoweth not.

READ: Jeremiah 33vs1-3

One of the greatest challenges of man toward calling on God (prayer) is praying in a usual way/channel. It has been discovered that some people would pray and they would neither receive answer nor hear from God as though they have right motive, still they neither receive answers nor revelation as regard their prayers. This spiritual or psychological ailment had taken many into the snare of the devil due to impatience and ignorance of right methods of prayer.

In the earthly days of Jesus Christ, some people who recognise Him as the son of God would go to Him and He would meet their needs.
There was a man in Luke 19vs1-27 called Zacchaeus, a tax collector. A tax collector is known to be very rich those years. Luke 19vs2 tells us that he was a chief among publicans and very rich. However, as rich and wealthy as Zacchaeus was, when he saw the King of kings (JESUS CHRIST) passing he had to turn foolish by climbing a tree in order to see Jesus Christ. Don't forget that as a tax master, he could control the crowd around him so as to see Jesus Christ, but he forgot his personality in order to gain what he wanted. Do you want to turn stupid for God that you may obtain your request or you want to continue the same way you have been doing things with no result?
In this manner on the other hand, many people talk to God showing their personality before God. Some rich/wealthy men would be guiding their expensive attire and shoes lest it gets stained while praying, forgeting that God can empty their riches/wealth in a minute.
Always forget your personality when praying. Appear to God as a weak vessel so that He can release His strength to you. Appear also to Him as a fool so that you  can possess that divine wisdom.

Many people are ignorant of the fact that worship is another way through we can enjoy the undeserved grace. Worship is the best way to provoke God's attention. I mean true worship! True worship emanates from a sincere admiration of the greatness of God. God honours a devoted worship more than prayers.
In worship, you don't need to write out prayer points. Just spend quality time in true worship and see what will happen shortly after. TRUE worship is a SINLESS and DEVOTED worship.
I pray for you in the name that is above every other name, every power holding you down and every veil covering your spiritual sight so as not to see and take the right step shall be destroyed in the authoritative name of JESUS CHRIST.

ACTION POINT: Spend at least 45 minutes in TRUE worship and check in three days what God will do in your life.

Wednesday, 11th September, 2013. TYPES OF DARKNESS – FEAR Part 2

Wednesday, 11th September, 2013


Memory Verse: The fear of the man bringeth a snare but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. (Proverb 29vs25)

READ: 1Samuel 17vs24-37

There was a testimony of a woman who wanted to watch the sermon of Pastor E.A Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian of God live on a satellite media. In the course of watching the sermon which she had purposed in her heart to watch that very night with her family, the fuel in the generator got finished, this woman was not happy. Not quite long, she went inside to get two cups of water which she poured into the generator. To the surprise of her husband and children the generator kicked on. Later, the generator stopped and she went ahead to do the same thing, the generator worked the second time until they finished watching the sermon. WHAT A GREAT FAITH! When faith is in action, fear disappears, but when doubt sets in, failure emerges. Let us look at the lifestyle of David as an embodiment of faith. In 1Samuel 17vs34-37, we were told that David killed a lion and a bear with his hand. We were also made to understand that David was not up to 20 years old when he killed the lion and the bear, meaning that he was an adolescent. For a young boy to kill a lion a bear, you should understand that it takes nothing but faith. COURAGE BREEDS FAITH! He also brought down the head of the greatest warrior of the philistines who had been a threat and a terror to the Israelites with just a stone and a sling (1Samuel 17vs48-51). I decree in the name that is above every other name, any gods despising and harassing the name of God in your life is hereby destroyed in the name of JESUS CHRIST. Fear brings lost of integrity. You may ask, how? In Genesis 12vs10-20, because of fear in the heart of Abraham (Abram), he lied to king Pharaoh. When the truth was disclosed to the king and got to the notice of Abraham, he felt ashamed of himself and Pharaoh ordered his men to send him out. I believe this is the reason Abraham decided to live a life of faith. Till now, his legacy is and will ever be remembered. In some families, curses have been pronounced to them that they will not live beyond a certain age and has brought a huge fear into their lives. This led them to visiting different herbalists, fake pastors/prophets, as a result compiling their problems. Many of them even died before the range due to fear. I want you to know that devil is the author and founder of fear. When he inflicts fear in you he makes you live in the greatest mystery of your life. FEAR BRINGS FAILURE! You are no more stabilized in the season of fear. Your sense of reasoning or mind-set is changed, thereby leads to misappropriation of things which results to failure. Fear will never give you room to solutions. It darkens your mind-set. It brings total darkness. The moment fear penetrates into your life, you instantly lose your victory to the devil.

ACTION POINT: Give your absolute life to JESUS. Start studying and meditating on the word of God. Spend quality time worshiping and praising God and also spend quality time in intense prayer and fasting. Reject every worry that comes your way. Reject any negativity, confessing that JESUS CHRIST has the final say in your life

Tuesday, 10th September, 2013. TYPES OF DARKNESS – FEAR 1

Tuesday, 10th September, 2013


Memorize: “But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believed on His name.” (John 1vs12) READ: Daniel 3vs1-30 THE OPPOSITE OF FEAR IS FAITH. The greatest enemy of man is fear. It stands as gods in the lives of its victims. It operates like a mustard seed. It brings diseases, though the victim may not have any disease before but immediately fear sets in, different types of ailment/diseases appear. It eventually kills faster than any other diseases. In most cases, the fear of unknown is the one that kills faster. In Daniel 3vs1-30, the people of Babylon were afraid of the consequence of not bowing to the gods (image of gold) set up by the king, Nebuchadnezzar. This fear made them to bow to the graven image. As a result, their response to fear brought about disappointment to them as they witness the Hebrew men who did not bow to the graven image. It is affirmed in Daniel 11vs32 that those who know their God (The Almighty God) shall be strong and do exploit; the New International Version (NIV) says: “but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.” In Numbers 13, God told Moses to send some men to explore the land of Cannan. Truly, what they saw were frightening. The physical nature most times may be frightening but by using the eyes of faith, those things that are frightening will be like an ant. Due to what they saw, they all went back to give bad report except Caleb and Joshua who had strong faith in God, said to Moses and Aaron that though the land was frightening but they could conquer, seeing that the place was filled with goodies of life. Surprisingly and unfortunately, those who gave the bad report concerning the land died before they got there. Be cautious of your attitude to the challenges you are facing lest you regret your action later. This tells us that you can bring damnation to yourself through fear.As destructive as fear is, its remedy is within us. When God originally created us, our fore parent made us to sin, due to this, God sent His only begotten son for the remission of our sins. John 1vs12 says “but as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believed on His name

ACTION POINT: receive the only begotten son, JESUS CHRIST now. It is your gateway to total freedom

Friday 6 September 2013

Monday, 9th September, 2013 TYPES OF DARKNESS – ANGER

Monday, 9th September, 2013


READ: Exodus 32:19-24 One of the most destructive measures of a man is ANGER. Moses lost his long-: promise land not because he was too old but of a little anger. This also led to the argument between Satan and God over his corpse. Most times, fear overwhelms me when I look at Moses latter end and compare to most Christians nowadays. A man who feared and obeyed God to the letter exhibited a little anger and nearly ended up in hell, let alone us.

A lot of people are under the greatest mystery ever of their lives just because of a little anger. The fact remains, that one can never progress in the command of anger. It makes one rise and fall. When you fall, you may not have the opportunity to rise again. Anger destroys destiny, irrespective of your service in the vineyard of God. Anger breeds a lot of crisis when not controlled. Anger is contagious! I have once been a victim of anger in time past. For instance, someone cheated on you in one way or the other and you narrated the scenario to a close friend of yours. After listening to the story, your friends picked up anger on that person as well. Anger keeps its victims in total darkness.

Are you a victim of anger? It is your fault, try and check your family, there is no way you will not see at least one person with angry trait, which simply tell you that it is hereditary. ANGER IS DEMONIC! Don’t forget devil always lives in darkness. Therefore any of his victims automatically lives in darkness. The reason you can find someone with anger in your family is because it has become a gods in your family. You can be like Jabez who refused to let his background ridicule him further. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! GET OUT OF ANGER! Besides, it could be the wiles of the devil for you not to engage in the promises of God for your lives; this is why you must alert in the Spirit lest your destiny be denied of you. I pray in the name that is above every other name, every altar of anger in your family and vicinity is hereby destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Anger keeps you away from benefactors. It keeps you away from your husband0-to-be. It demotes you. It brings shame. It puts you in a desert.

Who are friends of anger? They are pride, lies, cheating, disappointment, envy, etc if you, in one way or the other, possess any of the friends of anger mentioned above, sorry, your life is in total darkness. Only JESUS CHRIST, the only begotten son of God can help your helpless situation. Accept JESUS CHRIST NOW! A minute after may be too late.

PRAYER: Father, I know I am a sinner, please have mercy on me and give me the grace to sin no more. Every form of anger in my life let it disappear now in the unfailing name of JESUS CHRIST, AMEN

Sunday, 8th September, 2013 WAIT AND SEE IT HAPPEN

Sunday, 8th September, 2013

MEMORISE: "Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set
yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out
against them: for the LORD will be with you." (2 Chronicles 20:17)

READ & STUDY: 2 Chronicles 20:1-25

God requires that His children recognise the kind of father they have.
As it is impossible for a mother to abandon her child, so also it is
impossible for God to forget His own children. Each time you get into challenges of life, as long as you are in right tune with God, all you need is to pour out your desire to Him and never compromise your faith. WAITING requires WISDOM. However, we must first understand the in-depth of what God can do, how He does it and when He does it.
Proverb 4:7 says: understanding goes before wisdom. As you WAIT, God Himself will  strengthen you in Jesus name. In 2 Chronicles 20:17, you will  noticed how God loved Jehoshaphat and the children of Judah. It is very  humanly stupid to go to war putting choir and musicians on the battle  front but it is WISE to those who knows the techniques of spiritual  battle. As a bonafied child of God, spiritual and physical battles are  not yours, they are God's. A very small city facing millions of people; just imagine! WAITING period is a time of rendering true  intense praises and worship to the Man of War. The more you praise Him,  the more battles He wins. How often do you praise and worship the Man of War? You should not be able to count the numbers of time you praise and worship God in a day. Your FAITH will FAINT (be inactive) when you don't praise and worship God frequently. The battles David won in His  days are not because of his faith alone but of his ability to  acknowledge the Man of War. If you have the habit of praising God,  there's no battle you will not win. In fact, you don't need to pray for  hours, all you need is to tell your father what you need and WAIT TO SEE IT MANIFEST if only you can live a life free of sins and full of true
worship and praise. "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." (Exodus 14:14).
When God says "I will fight for you and you will hold your peace", it
simply means "I will fight for you and you will begin and continue worshiping and praising me".

KEY WORD: A life of sin cannot render true worship and praise to the Man of War. IT IS AN ABOMINATION!

Saturday, 7th September, 2013 E A MAN!!!

Saturday, 7th September, 2013

MEMORISE: But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Act 1:8)

READ: Mark 5:1-20

Almost all human beings in the bible were being identified by the "man", both male & female. It is very important that we know what the word entail. At times, pondering over the word keeps women irrelevant. Let's look at the qualities of a man.

Firstly, INDEPENDENCE. God expects every human being to be independent, this is why made us to have dominion over His creatures. He expects us to live in total freedom. He expects us to be givers. He expects us to be builders. He expects us to be creators & inventors (Ephesians 2:10). However, knowing that serpent has deprived us initially of these original qualities of man, He sent Jesus Christ to reconcile us back to Himself. Therefore, total independence can now be attained only in Christ Jesus. Either you are male or female, until you repair the road that link you and God, you will never operate full independence.
A MAN is known by his ability control his environment. When a person is said to be STRONG, it means he can not be moved. A strong man is determined, he is focused. To a STRONG man, life is about warfare, not fun-fare. A STRONG man is said to be HEAVY. Satan can never succeed in lifting him up let alone banging him on the floor. In Mark 5:1-20, you will observe that the mad man of Gadara was so strong that when he always loosen the very strong chain used to tie him. In other words, you will tear into pieces any chain used to bind you as a STRONG man.
John 1vs 12 says "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name"
POWER propels the functions of the quality of a MAN. Remember, that in Mark 5:1-20, it was the demonic spirit/power. In the mad man that made him to behave in such manner. If the unclean spirit could do that, imagine how strong the power of God will be in the life of a MAN. In Acts of Apostles 1:8, it explains to us that we shall receive power, immediately after the Holy Ghost is come upon you.
Jesus christ is the only source of the power. Receive Him and win the battle of life

Act 1vs8, without the Holy Spirit, there is no Power. Holiness commands the Holy Spirit into action



MEMORIZE: And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. (James 3:6)

READ: James 3:1-6

Many people had lived on the planet and had gone to the great  beyond. Still, life continues. The status or position people find themselves is as a result of a very little object called TONGUE. However, this object is capable of lifting up and pulling down, building a virtue and destroying a virtue. TONGUE is the most powerful and delicate part of the body. Without TONGUE there will be no word and James 3:2 says if we offend not in word, we are perfect.


TONGUE is never independent. It is being ruled by the mind/heart. The work of the TONGUE has already been furnished in the mind/heart, then it will be sent to the TONGUE for implementation. BE CAUTIOUS OF WHAT GOES INTO YOUR MIND/HEART.

Romans 8:14 says those that are led by the spirit of God are sons of God.

If you are conversant and sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, you would have heard Him warning you against or telling you about what the TONGUE is about to carry out.
Many people remain in poverty because of what the TONGUE had once implemented. Some, on the other hand have become very great via the implementation of the work of TONGUE.


Joshua 1:8 tells us  to study the word of God everyday.
Galatians 5:16 says: This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. You need to always walk in the spirit of God. You need to cultivate in you the fruits of the Holy Spirit as listed in Galatians 5:22-23.
Proverbs 4:23 says: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

PRAYER: Father (Jesus Christ), Please help me to Please you at all times;
Father, please bridle and guide my tongue with all diligence