Wednesday 3 October 2012



Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bible In A Year: 1 Chronicles 10-13

MEMORIZE: And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:31

READ: Judges 13:2-5

When God visits, He may not necessarily come unnoticed but mightily, Samson in Judges 15:14-15, He came mightily. When He descended at Pentecost on the 120 disciples, He came as a rushing mighty wind and flames of fire (Acts 2:1-4). When He came down in Acts 4:31, He shook the house. On one occasion, when I was crying to Him to envelope me with His power, I shook like aspen leaf. Several years ago, when the only residents of the Redemption Camp were the carpenters, I used to come from Mushin (Lagos, SW Nigeria) to pray from Tuesday to Thursday. One day, while crying my heart out to Him, suddenly the ground shook and that earthquake was felt up to Ijebu Ode. The pictures I hung on the wall fell. The newspapers reported that they did not know where the shaking started from. The following morning when I went there, there was a big crack on the ground. This kind of visitation is only for those who have paid the price.

When the Holy Spirit came on Samson, His visit was massive (Jdg 13:2-5). That kind of visit is for God’s Nazarene. It can only come to those who are 100 percent separated unto Him. From Luke 1:26-38 we understand that it is for those who are ready for a life of purity, holiness and commitment; it is for those who will not soil their hands or hearts and the truly consecrated. When God leaves His throne to visit you, there will be an evident of that visit. If you are still toying with sin in thoughts and deeds, you will not be a candidate for such a visitation. If you truly crave this type of uncommon visitation, then start paying the price from today. Step up in your love and consecration to God. Step up the time you spend with Him without being disturbed by phone calls or other issues. Step up your study of His Word. Increase your personal and corporate praise and worship time. Become 100 percent obedient to His commands and be ready to do what He wants you to do, when He wants you to do it, how He wants you to do it, and for the right reasons. Then ask for a mighty visitation with evidence of that visitation.

Father, try my heart today and expose every hidden thought that contradicts your will and word.

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