Tuesday 14 August 2012



God is the originate of LOVE. In Genesis 1vs28-30, of all the creatures of God, man is the one giving dominion. Why did God not give dominion to animals? At least, they were created before man. The LOVE that God has for man is so enormous that He speaks to man one-one. I have never come across a situation where God was speaking to animals, at least they were created as man was also created.
Even after the fall of man, The LOVE still continues, though not as the first LOVE.

When God became unsatisfied with the way His creatures (man) are behaving, He had to come to the earth in the likeness of man in order to return the first LOVE back to us.
God, coming to the earth in form of man is by LOVE. It is like a president or a king visiting a pauper. It is because there is a deeper LOVE for the pauper. The fulness of the LOVE can thereby be enjoyed by anyone who is ready to submit absolutely and humbly to His ways.

Do you you know that the reason your life seems mysterious is because you fail to understand the origin of LOVE by accepting the LOVE into your life and live your life in LOVE.

In Luke 10vs30-35, the Samaritan showed LOVE to the man lying on the way. Today, people show LOVE in expectation of getting something back in return. If that should be the case, rain needs not to fall on most of us and sun needs not to shine on most of us.
It is quite expedient of us to correct our mindset by showing unconditional LOVE.

Luke 6vs38b explains that with the same measure we use for other shall also be used for us. In order words, we must be careful at the way we LOVE people. This is the reason some are only enjoying the GENERAL LOVE of God and not he SPECIAL LOVE.

The basic of the origin of LOVE is accepting the LOVE (JESUS CHRIST)

PRAYER: FATHER, I am sorry for not showing unconditional LOVE to people. Please have mercy on me. From today, cause me show unconditional LOVE to people irrespective of their status in JESUS NAME (AMEN)


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