Monday 17 February 2014


It is expedient that those who lounge after God's presence in whatever they do to lounge for more of His words. Some people do think
because they are anointed and placed in a spiritual/secular position, they don't need to lounge for more of His word; they think once
one is anointed, God continues to use that fellow even when the person does not study His words. If you are in that shoe, you are already a prey to the kingdom of darkness.

"There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength." (Psalm 33:16)

There was a time I. discovered that I no longer
study and meditate the words of God as I use to, I no longer pray as I use to, though God still used me to minister to people's needs but before I knew it, I felt emptiness within me, I
cried to God for restoration and God in His infinite mercy had mercy on me and there was restoration, since then, Holy Spirit has been my
guidance. What am I trying to say? God may still be using you to perform some spiritual works - healing, deliverance, salvation and the likes, however, if you don't lounge for more of
Him because some people are there interceding for you, you will just wake up to find yourself empty. I pray you will not be empty in Jesus

Key Point: Anointing of a minute before now is not sufficient for this minute, so lounge for more of Him (God) always by studying/meditating on His words and prayer

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