Wednesday 19 December 2012


Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. (Isaiah 8:18)

You claim the above scripture each time you remember it but you never work toward its manifestation.

You say "my children are from the Lord" yet you have been allowing your children to sing 'worldly songs'. Even you as a father or mother, you sing and encourage 'worldly song'. DON'T DECEIVE YOURSELF, sir/ma.

Train up your child in the way he/she should go so that when he/she grows old he/she will not depart from it. (Proverb 22:6)

TRAINING does not only include telling the children the DOs & Don'ts but include daily prayer over the children. Besides, you as a parent, are you not doing what you ask your children not to do?


We must not let the songs we sing or encourage take us to HELL.

"I don't sing to the songs but I dance to the beat", this is also a way of encouraging worldly songs.

A chorister who has units, tens or hundreds of worldly songs on his/her phone, laptop, etc is encouraging worldly songs.


You may want to ask, that how do we recognize worldly songs?
Any song that doesn't glorify God is worldly.

Any 'so called' gospel songs whose video shots don't glorify the image of GOD is worldly, let us BEWARE

This message is geared by the Spirit of the living God.

Father, everything that will hinder me from entering Heaven, separate me from them all

Saturday 8 December 2012



"You will never regret the day you were born in Jesus name"

How painful, unfortunate, terrible, agonizing, excruciating, torturous, galled, poignant it will be seeing other Christians( "Christ-Like") in that beautiful city called HEAVENS and we are left out.
It is of no doubt that if anyone eventually see himself in that painful, terrible, agonizing, excruciating, torturous, galled and poignant place, the person will say, "had I known, I would not have come to this world". This is the moment some will look back and utter such statement. It is most expedient of us all to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12) and make sure we study and meditate on God's word so as to show ourselves approved by God (2 Timothy 2:15).

NO DOUBT, persecution and trials will surface from the people of the world just because we are not of the world.
I wonder why we keep on pursuing the things of the world, laying more priority on the things of this world instead of the things of Heaven!
Our thought is filled up with earthly activities, it ought not to be. Earthly things are like magnet that draws things nearer and nearer.
What occupies our heart the most is capable of dictating our destination. If we don't want to regret the day we came to this world, we need to re-arrange our order of priority in percentage, giving a very high percentage to the things of the kingdom of God.

In addition, I keep on praying and telling people, that I MUST NOT MISS IT IN MARRIAGE, the reason is that marrying a wrong partner can possibly determine how my end will be.

As a youth/single/engaged, this is the best time to sow to your future. Spend time praying now so that you will not spend time praying to God to save your wife/husband when you suppose to be doing other things for God in future.

Father, please don't let me look back to regret the day I was born in Jesus name. Save my soul. Have mercy on me. As I turn a new leaf, Father help me. Don't let me go back to EGYPT in Jesus name. AMEN


There was a woman who had been looking unto God for the fruit of the WOMB for years.
One day, she came to the understanding of what FAITH can do, probably she heard a preaching in that respect. This woman arose and went to market to purchase new-born babies' wears. This woman, as she acted to what FAITH in JESUS CHRIST can do, neglected every harassment & discouragement from inward and outward and also backing up her FAITH with prayer & fasting. A few months later, she got pregnant and delivered to either a single baby or a twin, I can't say precisely because it happened years ago. The truth/fact is that SHE SIGNED-IN TO FAITH IN CHRIST and she got the result.

Before you start enjoying any the social networks, there is one important thing you must do and that is to SIGN-UP. Before signing up, you must have gathered a few information on that particular social network. Signing up requires some personal/confidential information about yourself. If you don't sign-up, you can't sign-in.

So also FAITH. Before you sign-in to FAITH, you must be able get a detailed information about FAITH (The author of FAITH, How it works, etc) before you sign-up to it.

Before you sign-up to faith, you must understand who you really are and what you want to do with FAITH because, if you sign in without any understanding of your personal self, your FAITH can suddenly turn to FEAR.
To know who you are,

1. you must get absolutely familiar with the word of God
2. you must understand and must have put to practice some of the word of God that speaks about you
3. you must understand your stand in Christ.

All these facts you must know very well before signing-up to FAITH

FAITH is an instrument of turning impossibilities to possibilities.
FAITH is an instrument of saying "SHAME TO DEVIL!!!"

JOHN 1:12 tells us, that as many as believed HIM, to them HE gives POWER (power of faith, healing, salvation, deliverance, etc) to becomes sons & daughters of God.

HOLINESS is the ultimate entrance to becoming a son and daughter of God, why? This is because HE, Himself is holy. Without complete holiness, you can't see God, meaning that you can enter Heaven (Hebrews 12:14)


READ: Acts 16:22-36

Everybody prays. Either short or long prayer. Either sitting down, standing or while walking. The fact remains that everybody prays. The very key thing to quick answered prayer is understanding the concept of prayer.
As we know, that prayer is a communication between God and man.
It is a blank cheque when God says "Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty thing which thou knowest not" (Jeremiah 33vs3).
Every believer counts on this promise without understanding how it works. The one who said when you call on Him, He would answer and show you great and mighty things you don't know also said in Proverb 15:8 that "The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord". Both the wicked and the righteous are God's creatures but their rights before God is absolutely different from each other.

God respects the prayer of His children. If you have some requests unanswered, it might be your name has been cancelled from HIS book, so look at your life and make amends.


1. HOLINESS: They live a blameless life. Though they are sinners but quickly repented from their sins. This also entails running away from every lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:17-21) and embracing the fruits of the spirit as we have in Galatians 5:22-23

2. GIVING CHEERFULLY & WHOLEHEARTEDLY: Make sure that when you give, you give willingly and cheerfully. Give to men and women of God. Give to the less privilege. It is not necessary someone asks before you give. Give for your own benefit. Give and not expect anything in return. Give because it is a commandment from God. Give because it is a way to Open Heavens.

3. LOVE: Love your enemies. Show love to everyone around you. LOVE is very deep. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you the concept of LOVE.

4. FAITH: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)
No matter how terrible a situation may be, never doubt the potency on God.

Act in FAITH, not in FEAR!
Jesus is the author of FAITH
Satan is the author of FEAR

Another secret of answered prayers is giving true praises and thanksgiving to God. If you praise God, He arises from His throne. True praises move God's throne, so when He arises, every problem is solved, closed doors are opened, barreness turns to fruitfulness, dry lands are filled with waters. Lack turns to abundance, all because HE arises from His throne. When lifts His legs, as we know that the earth is His footstool, all your adversaries are in soup. As you praise God, God will arise for you and you will hold your peace

Always praise God with the understanding of every lyrics and praise Him wholeheartedly

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