Friday 21 September 2012

BE WISE! 21st September, 2012. By Ebenezer Alaba Ekundare

21th September, 2012


By Ebenezer Alaba Ekundare

Bible Passage: 1 Kings 12vs1-end

Memory verse: Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time (1Peter 5vs6)

In Proverb 4vs7, we are told that WISDOM is the principal thing. It is very certain that the longevity of a king is in the application of wisdom. So also, the longevity of your being is in the application of wisdom.

In most cases God sends his servants to speak to us but due to the ignorance of the undiluted word of God, we neglect the counsel of the elders. An elder is someone who has more knowledge and experience than we are. If a child tells his father not to ply a certain path, there is something God has shown that child. Meaning that, at that moment God has put the child in the position of an elder. Generally, elders are people that are older than us.

So, neglecting the voice of God which is sent to you through an elder or His servant is like walking on a pathway to destruction.

In the bible passage, Rehoboam was too big to take to the advise of the elders, rather he made use of the counsel of the young men which made him to lose his position.

The second Pharaoh of Egypt also never followed the footprint of his predecessor, instead he was very mad at people of Israel by captivating them which led to his severe and mysterious destruction of himself and his warriors.

Elisha never forgot his predecessor, he followed his footprint and thereby did greater works than Elijah did.

In Judges 16, we can also learn from Samson's mistakes. After he had been warned not to marry any philistine, he forsook the right counsel and agreed to his lustful thought which led him to his mysterious lost of power.

In all the evidences, we can be 100% sure that when we don't apply wisdom by accepting the counsel of God through His genuine sons and daughters, we will surely and eventually bite our fingers.


First thing is to accept Jesus Christ into your life and live His lifestyle. After you are being born-again, you must study & meditate on the word of God daily. Thirst after and ask for the Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will be the one directing you, will give you a discerning spirit to know which counsel is good or not.

In conclusion, any counsel that is not biblical and convinced by us through the help of the Holy Spirit is satanic.

PRAYER: Father, break me down and re mould me. Grant me divine wisdom to differentiate between right & wrong counsel in Jesus name

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